Saturday, 4 March 2017

Danabilla, Illunie and Koorawatha Nature Reserves

Location, access and how to get there

Danabilla, Illunie and Koorawatha Nature Reserves are situated within a few kilometers of each other. They are all between 30 and 50 kilometers northeast of Young, and around 150 kilometers from Canberra GPO (1 hour 45 minutes drive). The Reserves have limited public access via public roads.

Bushwalking opportunities

Day walking is permitted in the Reserves, but access may be difficult, particularly to Illunie. Koorawatha Falls Reserve (link) adjoins and is accessed through the Koorawatha Nature Reserve.

Camping and other facilities

Camping is not allowed and there are no visitor facilities.


Danabilla Nature Reserve - 2,242 hectares.
Illunie Nature Reserve - 723 hectares.
Koorawatha Nature Reserve - 1,105 hectares.
Natural features
The Reserve has some significant remnant vegetation. The Illunie Range runs through Danabilla and Koorawatha Reserves with numerous peaks above 600 meters elevation and one in Danabilla above 700 meters elevation. 
Heritage features
There are at least 35 Aboriginal heritage sites which have been identified in Dananbilla, Koorawatha, Illunie and Gungewalla Nature Reserves. There are also some historical sites associated with past agricultural use.


Dananbilla, Koorawatha, Illunie and Gungewalla Nature Reserves Plan of Management (2009) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Danabilla Nature Reserve website - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Illunie Nature Reserve website - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Koorawatha Nature Reserve website - link

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Gungewalla Nature Reserve

Location, access and how to get there

Gungewalla Nature Reserve is located 8 kilometers east of Murringo, which is around 137 kilometers from Canberra GPO (1 hour 30 minutes drive). There is no vehicular access to the Reserve, which is surrounded by private land.

Bushwalking opportunities

Day walking is permitted in the Reserve, but access would require landowner permission. Given the extremely small size and limited features of the Reserve there seems little to attract bushwalkers, even if access was simpler.

Camping and other facilities

Camping is not allowed and there are no visitor facilities.


142 hectares.
Natural features
The Reserve has some significant remnant vegetation.
Heritage features
None known.


Dananbilla, Koorawatha, Illunie and Gungewalla Nature Reserves Plan of Management (2009) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Gungewalla Nature Reserve website - link

Monday, 27 February 2017

Young Nature Reserve

Location, access and how to get there

Young Nature Reserve is located 15 kilometers southeast of Young, around 145 kilometers from Canberra GPO (2 hours drive). The Reserve is surrounded by private land and is not open for public use.

Bushwalking opportunities

Given the small size and limited features of the Reserve there seems little to attract bushwalkers, even if access was allowed.

Camping and other facilities

Obviously, camping is not allowed and there are no visitor facilities.


453 hectares.
Natural features
The Reserve has some significant remnant vegetation.
Heritage features
None known.


Young Nature Reserve Statement of Management Intent (2014) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Young Nature Reserve website - link

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Jindalee National Park

Location, access and how to get there

Jindalee National Park is located 10 kilometers north of Cootamundra. It comprises two separate parts on each side of Berthong Road. At its nearest accessible point it is around 155 kilometers from Canberra GPO (1 hour 50 minutes drive). Access to the Reserve is via Berthong Road or Burley Griffin Way. Information on the Park is scant since a Plan of Management has yet to be published.

Bushwalking opportunities

Walking is allowed in the Park, but there is little of interest apart from the forest itself. There are only a few kilometers of management trail within the Park, and no walking tracks are known.

Camping and other facilities

No information on camping or other facilities has been found. Check with the National Parks and Wildlife Service Tumut office (02 6947 7000).


1,076 hectares.
Natural features
Jindalee National Park is relatively small and with no real features apart from the forest. There are no high peaks or gullies, although a number of small watercourses run out of the Park on all sides.
Heritage features
No information is available.


Jindalee National Park Statement of Management Intent (2014) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Jindalee National Park website - link

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Ulandra Nature Reserve

Location, access and how to get there

Ulandra Nature Reserve is located 25 kilometers southwest of Cootamundra, near the village of Bethungra. It is around 190 kilometers from Canberra GPO (2 hours 20 minutes drive). Access to the Reserve is via Mahomets Road from Bethungra. The alternative road that enters the Reserve from the southwest (off Bethungra Road) is a private road with a locked gate. Similarly, fire trails entering the Reserve at various points are through private property and not accessible to the public.

Bushwalking opportunities

Walking is allowed in the Reserve "for the appreciation and enjoyment of its wildlife and natural environments". There are no walking tracks, but there are around 30 kilometers of management trails within the Reserve boundaries. A three kilometer private road links the Reserve's southwestern boundary to the summit of Mount Ulandra. A walk from Mahomets Road entry to Mount Ulandra along management trails and the summit road is about 20 kilometers return.

Camping and other facilities

The now rather dated (1994) Plan of Management for the Reserve does not indicate whether camping is allowed, although it would generally be expected that it is not. Check first with the National Parks and Wildlife Service Tumut office (02 6947 7025). Fires are definitely not allowed. There are no public use facilities within the Reserve.


3,934 hectares.
Natural features
The Reserve is dominated by Mount Ulandra (761 meters), which is 450 meters above the surrounding country. A television transmission tower is on the summit of the mountain. The terrain within the Reserve is "a series of ridges, hills and valleys running roughly north-south". A number of creeks flow out of the Reserve. The Reserve is open forest, and was established to protect stands of Cootamundra wattle.
Heritage features
A number of Aboriginal heritage sites have been identified in the Reserve. Remains of past grazing, agriculture and forestry use of the Reserve may also be seen.


Ulandra Nature Reserve Plan of Management (1994) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Ulandra Nature Reserve website - link
Wikipedia - link

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Ellerslie Nature Reserve

Location, access and how to get there

Ellerslie Nature Reserve is located 17 kilometers northwest of Adelong, around 200 kilometers from Canberra GPO (2 hours drive away) via the Hume and Snowy Mountains Highways. Public walking access to the Reserve is from the Snowy Mountains Highway about 9.5 kilometers south the Hume Highway, where there are a limited number of parking spaces.

Bushwalking opportunities

Day walking is allowed in the Reserve. There are no walking tracks in the Reserve, but there are around 45 kilometers of management trails within or adjacent to the Reserve boundaries, mostly following ridges.

Camping and other facilities

Camping and solid fuel fires are not allowed. There are no public use facilities within the Reserve.


1,877 hectares.
Natural features
There are no distinctive peaks in the Reserve, which is characterised by steep creek gullies and ridges above these. Blanch Creek and Jimmys Creek are the main watercourses flowing through the Reserve. Six distinct forest ecosystems and eight threatened fauna species have been identified within the Reserve.
Heritage features
Survey work has identified a number of Aboriginal heritage sites, but further sites may still be discovered. Some historical sites have also been identified.


Ellerslie Nature Reserve Plan of Management (2010) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Ellerslie Nature Reserve website - link

Tumblong State Conservation Area

Location, access and how to get there

Tumblong State Conservation Area (SCA) is located 30 kilometers northwest of Tumut, around 180 kilometers from Canberra GPO (2 hours drive away). There is no public vehicular access to the Park and it can only be accessed by walking through private property, for which landowner permission is required.

Bushwalking opportunities

Day walking is allowed, but note access issues.

Camping and other facilities

Camping and solid fuel fires are not allowed. There are no public use facilities within the SCA.


746 hectares.
Natural features
There are no distinct peaks in the SCA, which is located on the northeastern side of a ridge. Altitude range within the SCA is from 300-588 meters. Six distinct forest ecosystems have been identified within the SCA.
Heritage features
Survey work has identified one Aboriginal heritage site, but further sites may still be discovered. There are no significant historical sites in the SCA.


Tumblong State Conservation Area Plan of Management (2008) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Tumblong State Conservation Area website - link