Sunday, 19 February 2017

Mudjarn Nature Reserve

Location, access and how to get there

The Mudjarn Nature Reserve is located 15 kilometers north of Tumut off Brungle Road, about 180 kilometers from Canberra GPO (2 hours drive). There is no public vehicular access to the Reserve. Pedestrian access is complicated. The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service tells me that there are Crown road easements going into the Reserve off public roads (presumably Brungle Road), but no track exists along these easements. The easements can be located on the relevant parish map, but then they would then have to be located "on the ground". They advise seeking landholder permission prior to attempting to access the Reserve.
Note that the 2008 Plan of Management for Mudjarn noted plans to work with Tumut Council to provide car parking and pedestrian access from Brungle Road, but this has not happened yet.

Bushwalking opportunities

Walking is permitted in the Reserve, but note access issues above. There are no walking tracks and only one management trail along the eastern side of the Reserve. The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service tells me that walking in the Reserve is difficult due to the density of the callitris pines.

Camping and other facilities

The Reserve Plan of Management notes that it is used for camping, but makes no mention of whether this should be allowed. There are no visitor facilities in the Reserve. 


591 hectares.
Natural features
The highest peak is Pine Mountain Peak at 691 meters. A number of small creeks drain out of the Reserve. It has a heavy cover of callitris pine and kurrajong that give it a distinctive dark appearance.
Heritage features
There are a number of recorded Aboriginal heritage sites and a number of historical sites including mine sites and old post and rail fences.


Mudjarn Nature Reserve Plan of Management (2008) - link
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Mudjarn Nature Reserve website - link

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